
Is Everything iz Pre-determined? Am I not master of my own Fate? 
Such are Serious Questions, Which Each one of us may have asked many times in our lives.
On the assumption of perfection of Scientific Laws Stephen Hawking says, Yes to Predestination (Ref. Page 127-139) Black Holes and Baby Universe 1993.
It iz no Surprise for the Believers that modern Biological discoveries are also Leading to similar concepts as derived from the ‪#‎Holy_Quran‬ .It has been Discovered that genetic messages, Recorded in the DNA of man's cell, is like the destiny programed in the cell at the Embryonic Stage i.e. Our destiny is written down much before our birth. Thus genetic writing of the man, called ‪#‎Genome‬ is the Pre-programmed picture of his Personality and destiny. 
It is so extensive and detailed that it will fill a thousand telephone discoveries of a city like New York. 
The information of the Genome iz carried as a sequence of Four different chemicals called ‪#‎Nucleotides‬ bases. They represent letters of our‪#‎Genetic_Code‬ printed in the ‪#‎Chromosomes‬ of our cells; and the order of these bases i.e. letters of Genetic code, is the important feature that distinguishes individuals and species from each other, and‪#‎Govern_their_life_pattern‬ .

It has been Discovered that every human cell contains 46 Chromosomes, which contain the Gene messages. All together there are about‪#‎Six_billion‬ bases in the total human Genome and there are about 100000 genes in an average man, each accounting for about 1000 base pairs ( Ref. Gereny Cherfas "A Guide to Being Human" New Scientist 26 February 1986). It has been Discovered that people are different from each other (apart from identical twins) due to about one percent of the Genome. 
Our #Holy_Quran guides us about a middle way that our achievements are a function of both ‪#‎Destiny_and_our_Efforts‬ subject to the grace of Allah (S.W) .
On the importance of Effort it Says; 
"There is nothing for man but what he tries for" .
And About the Pre-determination it says; 
"Our Lord iz The One who gave to each thing its form; and destined them with a nature to Guide them" 20 (50) .
Thus each thing has an inbuilt program and clock of life which guides it to its final destiny but role of effort exists at the same time. 
From the #Holy_Quran it is Also abundantly clear that nothing happens without the ‪#‎Will_of_Allah‬ .
It says;
"Not a ‪#‎Leave‬ falls without the Permission of Allah" .
However he himself wants man to participate in the action by his Efforts. 
(1) When the prophet ‪#‎Hazrat_Moosa‬ (PBUH) prayed for water for his people, he was asked to strike the mountain with his staff.
(2) Similarly ‪#‎Maryam‬ (PBUH), when she was going through the pains of Childbirth, She was asked to shake the tree for dates. 
Thus in ‪#‎Quranic_Philosophy‬, Achievements (Ach) are the Function of the Man's Efforts (E) as a result of absence of either of the Effort in Amr makes the Achievement ‪#‎Zero‬ the Order (Amr) of Allah (Subhan-Hu), we may write this Equation as Under:
Ach = f (E) × f (A) 
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